You’ve recently purchased Birkenstocks, visiting museums on the weekend’s counts as your idea of fun and you know each of the white wine varieties. All the above means you’re cultured, right?
This pretty much sums up how organisations think when it comes to culture in the workplace. “We’ll add a ping pong table, coffee machine and bean bag in the staff room– that’ll keep them happy,” *said every boss called Steve, Craig and John*
However, culture in the workplace takes more than a game of ping-pong. Here are five essential things your organisation must implement to ensure a positive culture.
1. Active listening
Understanding your employee’s needs is crucial and can only be achieved by listening to them. Active listening involves concentrating on the words being said, understanding the message being received and responding appropriately. This will inevitably lead to more open communication in the workplace.
2. Two-way communication
Two-way communication is equally as important. This process enables a smooth flow of communication, in which each person’s views and opinions are openly explored and understood. It enhances more effective communication and overcomes ambiguity. Read more about two-way communication here.
3. Copy and paste approach
Case studies are a great way of exploring how you want your organisation to look, feel and be. Copying practices of successful organisations that inspire you is a great way to shape and define your workplace culture. For example, Patagonia allows their employees to go surfing whenever the “waves are good”, and Ernest and Young offer it’s employees 12 weeks of annual “life leave” to promote a healthy work, life balance. *immediately sends resume to Ernest & Young*
4. Culture is ever-changing
Culture is never static, it is continually evolving, and workplaces must adapt to these changes. As a result of new employees, policies and procedures, organisations must ‘check-in’ and make sure they are still upholding their core values, attitudes and goals. This can be achieved through consistent meetings to touch base with staff and creating a safe space where employees want to share their thoughts on how to implement best practices of culture.
5. Leaders must live and breathe culture

And finally, leaders must demonstrate culture through their behaviour and actions. This is paramount as it empowers employees and reinforces the values your organisation wants to reflect.
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